My life “with” psychoanalisys. Brain construction and Umanity future
The author, psychoanalyst and university professor now Emeritus (, in his eighty-third year of an intense scientific life, intended to leave a sort of inheritance of his interior “passion”, imbued with his life events, which led him to investigate the mind and the brains of humans. His life took place in an affective-emotional inner maturation, first in his own personal psychoanalytic path, then in his psychoanalyst profession and then increasingly in scientific research and in a related university teaching different from the traditional one.
Hence the title of the volume. In the last twenty years, the A. has devoted himself to neuroscience and in particular to the neuromental development of the individual, from the fetal age to the neonatal and infant age up to adulthood: the brain does not mature by nature, but it is built by relationships experience. The neural basis that is built in his infanthood and childhood influences the entire subsequent development of that brain, including the affective and character structure Mind is the functioning of a brain: consequently it originates from the relationships that an individual has had the luck or the misfortune to have, above all the infant and childish ones, with the parents and the other people who cared for him. The quality of these relationships generates the individual quality of mind of that single individual and the quality of the structure and functionality of his own brain. This development includes those features that give rise to that person’s ability to be, in turn, a parent.
From these scientific discoveries the interest of the A. it focused on the need to help parents in their not easy relational task, so that their children could form a neuromental base sufficient to guarantee their destiny as adults and then a good transgenerationality of their next generations. The fate of humanity in the evolution of our civilization may depend on “parenting”. The last book of the A. before the present text it is entitled “The future of the first thousand days of life”.This volume contains, in addition to a presentation of a personal nature, an educational exposition of the main points concerning the development of the human mind, or rather of the individual Mindbrain. This exhibition is interspersed with interludes between each chapter, which reflect the introductory thread of the author’s life and thought. The language of the book may be accessible to non-specialists, in order to the aim that a scientific legacy can comfort all couples in the enterprise, even if future, to “be a parent”.