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7. Perinatal Clinical Psychology

Volume author (s) Imbasciati A., Cena L.

For a long time in medical area “Perinatal Clinical Psychology” had the meaning of a psychological clinics in pregnant women and her puerperal period. What might happen in her baby was observed only for its clear organic pathologies: its interior vicissitudes were not known, as all scientists of the time thought it has no mental life. But nowadays Neuroscience has proven the heavy importance of its brain construction in its first neural net; and its first functioning in mental events without any consciousness.

These first neuromental structures condition the ones that are later constructed …

Volume author (s) Fulgencio L., Simanke R., Imbasciati A., Girard M.

In the first thousand days of life, counting from conception, a first individual functional matrix – synaptic networks –  is formed which will condition every subsequent elaboration of the life experiences of that individual and therefore every further construction of functionality in the individual’s brain, i.e. every subsequent neuro-psycho-somatic development of that person. This first […]

Volume author (s) Imbasciati A., Cena L.

For the past twenty years the Authors developed a particular discipline they designed Perinatale Clinical Psychology from 2003: a clinical psychology applied to the vicissitudes that happen before,during and later conception, pregnancy, delivery, puerperium, breast feeding, infant care, early infancy. These vicissitudes concern the couple, the pregnant women, the mother, the family, in their growning up a baby and child, and all the health workers which operates in perinatale period. Obstetricians, Midwifers. Gynaechologists, Paediatricians, Neonatologists, Social Workers, Biologists, Genetists,Endocrinologists and other scientists and operators meet Psychology in contributing to a psychosomatic view on the psychic and phisics growing up of a new human person. Perinatal Clinical Psychology is characterized by research on brain and mind development in foetal, neonatal and early unfancy period, and needs a multidisciplinary professional training of all its operators, so that they can work in order to prevent psychic and phisics diseases by aiding families for a better child growing up. Psychoanalysis, Neuroscence and Infant Research are the reference frame in which other scences find their particular collocation.

Volume author (s) Imbasciati A., Cena L.

For the past twenty years the Authors developed a particular discipline they designed Perinatale Clinical Psychology from 2003: a clinical psychology applied to the vicissitudes that happen before,during and later conception, pregnancy, delivery, puerperium, breast feeding, infant care, early infancy. These vicissitudes concern the  couple, the pregnant women, the mother, the family, in their growning […]

Volume author (s) Imbasciati A.

In Freud’s time “psychology” was a proper psychology of consciousness: it meant what one could consciously know about himself. Freud discovered unconscious events: he must explain to his contemporary scientists how these phenomena could exsist an how an unconscious mind might function. He wrote his metapsychology (1915): “meta” (=beyond) would say that mind could be considered also beyond consciouseness psychology. He supposed that the unconscious was moved by an instinctual force (libido) for which he used the german word “trieb” (=push). This word was hardly transalated as “drive” and in neolatin as“pulsion” . (…)

Volume author (s) Cena L., Imbasciati A., Baldoni F.

The individual’s structure of mind is built on the basis of relationship’s quality each person could have had in his first infancy. Psychopathology and every psychological suffering have their roots in the relationship the baby/child could have had with adults who took care of him. In order to prevent an unhappy destiny for children who grow up in families at risk, a preventive assistance to parents is needed. Taking care of parents cures children by improving parental dimensions. This book describes methods and technics to check families at risk, in order to improve their possibility to produce future good individuals, or to avoid pathological ones. Psychoanalysis, Attachment Theory and Infant Psychiatry are integrated for a preventive general assistance to families. (…)

From the atrocious cruelty of History to the violence of today: evolution of empathy?
Article author (s): Imbasciati A.
Magazine name: Il ruolo terapeutico
The invention of Metapsychology as an instrument to explain the unconscious to contemporaries: Freud’s ones or our time ones?
Article author (s): Imbasciati Antonio
Our future mind: epochal developments of Perinatal Clinical Psycology
Article author (s): Imbasciati A.
Caring for children by caring for parents.
Article author (s): Imbasciati A., Cena L.
Magazine name: Quaderni di Psicoterapia Infantile (a cura di Artoni C.) 68, 2013
Publisher: Borla
The sexsual dimension in generative parents project
Article author (s): Cena L., Imbasciati A., Gambino A., Doneda C.
Mother’s psychological variables and delivery:data in an italian primiparae sample
Article author (s): Della Vedova A., Ducceschi B., Lojacono A., Guana M., Imbasciati A., Cristini C.
Publisher: Franco Angeli
Pregnancy and depressive risk
Volume title: “Perinatal Psycological haelth promotion”
Volume author (s) Della Vedova A., Cristini C.
Volume chapter author (s): Della Vedova A., Ducceschi B., Cesana B., Imbasciati A.
Perinatal Clinical Psycology: parents caring for a good transgenerationality
Volume title: “Perinatal Psycological haelth promotion”
Volume author (s) Della Vedova A., Cristini C.
Volume chapter author (s): Imbasciati A.
Pain in childbirth and relational abilities
Volume title: Nascere. Le parole per dirlo
Volume author (s) Casalini Farinet M.
Volume chapter author (s): Imbasciati A.
Affect communication and intersubjective medecine
Volume title: Nascere. Le parole per dirlo
Volume author (s) Casalini Farinet M.
Volume chapter author (s): Imbasciati A.
Breastfeeding relationship
Volume title: Nascere. Le parole per dirlo
Volume author (s) Casalini Farinet M.
Volume chapter author (s): Dabrassi F., Imbasciati A.
What a baby learns? 
Volume title: Nascere. Le parole per dirlo
Volume author (s) Casalini Farinet M.
Volume chapter author (s): Imbasciati A.
A theoretical support for Transgenerationality
Author / s conference proceedings: Imbasciati A.
Name of the conference: Atti IV Congresso Psicologia Prenatale, Roma, Aprile 2002, Cantagalli, Siena, 2003, pp. 31-48