The book presents a seminar experience which was planned and realized so as to promote reflection and personal sensitivization about psychoanalysis. It was not a seminar about psychoanalytic topics, nor a therapeutic group, but rather a study group that, by focusing on themes from general psychology and on every-day experiences of the members, reflected on the limits of self-consciousness, consciousness about the others and the world. In this perspective the book is accessible to readers of a middle cultural level. It can be particularly useful to those who have to deal with inter-relationships in their own profession, such as teachers, educational staff, health and social staff as well as psychologists, of course.
The book also contains a specialist aspect: the group experience has been conducted according to the techniques of the so-called “hetero-centred group” and a systematic “observation” of group dynamics has been carried out and written down after every session. The second part of each chapter is about this observation and it could be of interest for staff dealing with group learning techniques and, above all, for psychoanalysts, as it shows an experience in the field of complex and delicate problems encountered in a psychoanalytic work that may be conducted outside the setting but at the same time may be protected from the risks of wild psychoanalysis.