[All published articles]
Why a son?
Article author (s):
Imbasciati A., Manfredi P:
Magazine name:
Nascere, 2005, 1, 20-21
An explanatory on Trauma’s genesis
Article author (s):
Imbasciati A.
Magazine name:
Psychofenia, 2006, IX, 14, 47- 79
Sound environment and mother/foetus communication
Article author (s):
Imbasciati A.
Magazine name:
Imago, 2004, 11, (3), pp. 301-314
From psychoprophilaxis to Perinatal Clinic Psychology
Article author (s):
Imbasciati A.
Magazine name:
Nascere, numero speciale “Percorso Nascita Oggi”, 2004, 8-12
AIDS risk perception in sexual behaviour
Article author (s):
Fasola C., Salvini A., Imbasciati A., Valerio P., Labella A., Reda M.
Attitude and risk perception in AIDS
Article author (s):
Imbasciati A., Ghilardi A., Buizza C., Margiotta M., Salvetti T.
A theoretical support for Transgenerationality: the Theory of Protomental
Article author (s):
Imbasciati A.
Magazine name:
Psychoanalytic Psychology, 2004, 21, 83-98
A proposal for an explanatory Theory in Psychoanalysis
Article author (s):
Imbasciati A.
Magazine name:
Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 2004, 50, (2), 351-372
A theoric support for Transgenerationality: the Theory of the Protomental
Article author (s):
Imbasciati A.
Magazine name:
Cognitive Sciences and Psychoanalysis: a possibile convergence
Article author (s):
Imbasciati A.
How Transgenerationality is conveyed
Article author (s):
Imbasciati A.
Magazine name:
PsychoMedia on line, 09/04/03