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Chapter in volume

[Of the area of ​​competence 4. New Psychoanalytic Theories]
From Sensoriality to esthetic thinking: the Theory of the Protomental
Volume title: La dimensione estetica dell'esperienza
Volume author (s) Lorenzetti L.
Volume chapter author (s): Imbasciati A.
What a medium in affect communication?
Volume title: Notiziario Società Psicoanalitica Italiana
Volume author (s) AA.VV.
Volume chapter author (s): Imbasciati A.
Foreword  “Alpha function and representational value of internal object”
Volume title:  “Alpha function and representational value of internal object”
Volume author (s) Neri C., Correale A., Fadda P.
Volume chapter author (s): Imbasciati A.
Foreword “Misconceptions about psychoanalysis in mass-culture”
Volume title: “Misconceptions about psychoanalysis in mass-culture”
Volume author (s) Pagliaro G.
Volume chapter author (s): Imbasciati A.